Two Orleans Parish Criminal District Court judges Tuesday announced they would launch a program to offer convicts job training and "life skills" counseling while they serve prison time for nonviolent crimes.
"Re-entry Court" was approved by the Louisiana Legislature during its past session, and the pilot program will start in Orleans Parish.
Judge Arthur Hunter and Judge Laurie White said they will each select 50 recently convicted people, sentenced to 10 years or less, to study carpentry, auto repair, welding, horticulture or culinary arts, while at the state prison at Angola.
Convicts serving life sentences will teach the courses, and double as mentors, the judges said.
The program is voluntary, and available only to defendants who plead guilty. Judges will order assessments for education, drug counseling and "life skills," and check on the inmates' progress from the time they enter prison to their release.
"This doesn't cost any money, just more interest and time," White said. "This program is the only one of its kind that starts as they go into jail and not as they go out. This is for people who have nothing going for them except a conviction on their record."
Angola warden Burl Cain said the judges 'had to really take a leap of faith' to commit to the program, which he said will ensure there are fewer victims of crime.
White and Hunter held a news conference Tuesday morning at the Tulane Avenue courthouse, joined by Angola prison Warden Burl Cain, State Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-New Orleans, Sheriff Marlin Gusman, and Whalen Gibbs, assistant secretary for the state Department of Corrections.
Gibbs noted that Louisiana leads the nation in per capita rate of incarceration, with 800 of every 100,000 residents behind bars. Louisiana has about 37,000 inmates.
"We get 75 percent of them back," said Gibbs. "That's what we're trying to fix. That's because we didn't prepare them for life on the outside."
Cain said that the judges "had to really take a leap of faith" to commit to the re-entry program, which he said will ensure there are fewer victims of crime.
"Right now, there are 44 people from New Orleans who are in school learning how to repair cars," said the longtime warden of the maximum security prison in Angola. "They are learning from lifers."
Arthur Hunter for New Orleans
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*Judicial Status Disclosure: Judge Arthur Hunter retired from the bench in 2020. Any references to "Judge Arthur Hunter" or "Judge Hunter" are for identification purposes only and do not imply that he currently holds judicial office.